Visual Studio 6.0
Quick Overview
Preparing IIS
Preparing SQL Server
Starting the DLL
Into the Code
Additional InformationIntroduction
In this article, I will walk you through the steps of building a Visual Basic® 6.0 ActiveX® dynamic-link library (DLL) that will make it easy and efficient for you to track and prevent 404 (Not Found) errors on your site. Sure, some stats packages will do parts of this work for you, but most are not flexible in their "out-of-the-box" feature set. Now you will have a chance to expand the techniques in this article to have your 404 tracking and trapping do just about anything you want it to do. Or, you could use the same techniques to build your own ActiveX DLL that has nothing to do with 404 errors.You might have already asked yourself why I chose a DLL instead of simple Active Server Pages (ASP) code, or even an Include file. A compelling argument against using a DLL is the debugging process. Because Internet Information Server (IIS) holds DLLs in memory, and unless your application is set to run in a separate memory space from the other applications in your Web server, IIS must be restarted when you make changes to any DLL attached to the server. This slows the debugging process somewhat, particularly in the fine-tuning stages.
With those problems aside, I chose a DLL mainly for performance reasons. Compiled code is known to be more efficient than interpreted code, particularly with advanced tasks such as the one this DLL proposes. Also, aside from the obvious performance gains, by storing your business logic in a compiled format:
- Your code cannot be easily "borrowed."
- Your application cannot be easily compromised by someone who decides to modify your code.
- Microsoft SQL Server passwords and other sensitive data are better shielded from prying eyes.
Before we start, let's make sure you've got the goods. You will need the following items installed and running:- Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0 (Workstation or Server), Service Pack 4 or later.
- Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack (IIS/PWS 4.0).
- The latest Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) release (2.1 Service Pack 2 at the time of writing).
- Visual Basic 6.0, Service Pack 2 or later.
- SQL Server 6.5 or later (you could use Microsoft Access, but in this article, SQL Server 7.0 and a stored procedure are used).
you are running Windows 2000, there are no service packs, you cannot
update core MDAC files, and you will have to add IIS (if it isn't
already installed).
To add IIS:
- In Control Panel, click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- Select Windows Components, then click the Add/Remove button. This will open the Windows Components Wizard dialog box. (Do not attempt to install the Option Pack or MDAC updates on Windows 2000.)
- Select the Internet Information Services check box.
- Adjust Details as necessary.
- Create a custom 404 page for your Web site(s).
- Register a custom DLL on your server.
- Restart the Web server (during development). I recommend using a workstation or noncritical Web server for development.
Quick Overview
Here are the steps involved in creating this system:- Install prerequisites and verify task permissions.
- Enable the custom 404 error page through Internet Services Manager.
- Create and test the database and schema.
- Create a new ActiveX DLL project and add appropriate references.
- Write the code and compile the DLL.
- Register the DLL on the development computer.
- Edit the 404 error ASP page to instantiate the object.
- Before deploying to the production computer, test, test, test!
Preparing IIS
Create a file called 404.asp and place it in your root folder (or the folder of the application). This will serve as a replacement for the bland "404 Not Found" error page, and will be the calling point of the component we're creating. Feel free to customize it with graphics, a friendly "sorry" message, and of course, links to the rest of your site.
Note If
you use graphics or links on this page, remember to use absolute
references or virtual reference "FROM THE ROOT." This file will "run"
where it's called, so if you use <img src="images/logo.gif">
where logo.gif is in /images/logo.gif, then a 404 hit in the /test/
folder will result in one of those lovely broken images (since 404.asp
is "running" in /test/ it is looking for /test/images/logo.gif instead
of /images/logo.gif).
- Open Internet Services Manager.
- Right-click the machine name in IIS.
- Click Properties.
- Select Master Properties for the WWW Service, then click Edit.
- Right-click the name of the application in IIS.
- Click Properties.
- Click the Custom Errors tab.
- Scroll down and select 404.
- Click the Edit properties button and change the Message Type to URL.
- Enter /404.asp or /<application>/404.asp as the URL.
Figure 1. Custom 404 error dialog
beauty of this solution is that when you use an ASP page to process 404
errors, the query string includes the page that was being requested
(and the headers often provide information for the page that contained
the bad link). You can do many things with this information. On the
front end, the most important thing would be to conditionally offer
appropriate alternatives based on the requested page (the ultimate goal
is to build a learning application that adapts this for you). On the
back end for each request, you would need to notify the site with the
bad link; maintain a database of frequently requested 404 pages (and
their preferred alternate pages, if any); and replace those nonexistent
pages with a redirect page (optional). In this article, we will simply
be logging the 404 entries (future articles will cover these other
areas).Preparing SQL Server
The last thing you have to do before creating the DLL is set up a database to store the data. (I chose to use SQL Server because of its flexibility and scalability, though you can certainly use any ODBC-compliant database—as long as you are aware of possible limitations.) The database in this article is called "track404" and the table is called "stats." Stats will initially consist of six fields:- id (INT IDENTITY), which represents an index field.
- ip (VARCHAR 15), which represents the user's IP address.
- url (VARCHAR 255), which represents the URL they were trying to access.
- ref (VARCHAR 255), which represents the URL they came from (e.g., a bad link).
- dt (DATETIME), which represents the exact time they entered the site.
- ua (VARCHAR 255), which represents the browser they were using.
Figure 2. New table in Enterprise Manager
Next you need to add a user to this database. To do this:
- Under Security for this SQL Server Registration, select Logins and add a Login named "stats" (with any password you choose).
- Give the user permission on your new database.
- Once that user is added, right-click your new table and click Properties.
- Click the Permissions button in the top right corner, and give the user "stats" INSERT permissions.
CREATE PROCEDURE STrack404 @ip varchar(15), @url varchar(255), @ref varchar(255), @dt char(20), @ua varchar(255) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO stats (ip,url,ref,dt,ua) VALUES (@ip,@url,@ref,@dt,@ua) END
- Under Stored Procedures in this database, right-click and select "New Stored Procedure"
- Name it STrack404, and insert the above code. Click OK.
- Right-click, then select Properties.
- Apply exec permissions for the "stats" user.
"driver={SQL Server};server=;database=track404;uid=stats;pwd=xyz"
<% set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") on error resume next "driver={SQL Server};server=;database=track404;uid=stats;pwd=xyz" if err then response.write("There was an error:<br>" & err.description) else response.write("No problem.") end if set conn = nothing %>
Starting the DLL
Open Visual Basic and start a new ActiveX DLL project. The first thing you want to do when creating a project is right-click the Project Name and change it, as well as change the initial class name to something you'll remember. Naming a project "Project5" does very little to set it apart from "Project3" or "Project4." In this case, they are named "Bertrand" and "track404," respectively. (Incidentally, unless other project changes are made, this will cause the ProgID of the compiled DLL to be "Bertrand.track404," and that is what is used in the createObject() call from ASP. Also, the compiled DLL will be called "Bertrand.dll." You are more than welcome to use any name for your project and DLL. Just make sure it's unique so that you won't be crosswiring anything in the registry.Next, select Project, then References, and add the following references:
- Microsoft Active Server Pages Object Library.
- Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library.
- Microsoft Transaction Server Type Library.
Windows 2000, as you can see in the following screenshot, the Microsoft
Transaction Server Type Library reference has been replaced by "COM+
Services Type Library."
Figure 3. Adding references to your project
Into the Code
The first item we're going to need is the Request object. In this initial build, we have no need for Session and Application variables, nor for the Response and Server objects, so there's no point in introducing them into your code. The Request object will allow us to retrieve the user-specific information we'll want to track. We'll also set up our Connection object and Logic variables, as shown below.Option Explicit ' Create the connection object: Public objConnection As ADODB.Connection ' Create the servervariable, SQL and datetime strings: Public strReferrer As String Public strQueryString As String Public strServerName As String Public strIPAddress As String Public strBrowser As String Public strSQL As String Public strNow As String ' Create the array to strip the server name out of the URL: Public vntServerName As Variant ' Create the boolean which will indicate whether to log or not: Public boolValid As Boolean ' Create the objects for getting at the ASP Request object Public objContext As ObjectContext Public objRequest As ASPTypeLibrary.Request
Public Function getSV(ByVal str As String) As String getSV = Replace(objRequest.ServerVariables(str), "'", "''") End Function
boolValid = false
so that the default is to NOT log this hit into the database unless the
404 page was accessed legitimately. For example, if someone just types
in the URL of your 404 page, the hit shouldn't be logged.Next you need to test that the length of the query string is at least four and that the first four characters are "404;". If both conditions are true, you then set the boolValid flag to true, and parse the URL for everything after the server name (that's the reason for vntServerName). For example, if the user attempts to get to the URL http://yourserver/page.asp, then the only relevant information is /page.asp—no sense filling up the database with http://yourserver/prefixes (unless, of course, you're using a common 404 page for several distinct domain names in a multiple host header situation, in which case you can simply remove the last if/end if block). As mentioned earlier, there are safeguards in place that do not log the entry if there is no query string. Additionally, we don't log the entry if the file requested was Favicon.ico (which happens when a user adds your site to their favorites in Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0). This will be addressed more in future articles.
Public Function log() As Long ' get the Request object, and parse out the ServerVariables items: Set objContext = GetObjectContext() Set objRequest = objContext("Request") strQueryString = LCase(getSV("query_string")) strServerName = LCase(getSV("server_name")) strReferrer = LCase(getSV("http_referer")) strIPAddress = getSV("remote_addr") strBrowser = getSV("http_user_agent") strNow = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate) & " " strNow = strNow & FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortTime) ' initialize boolValid as false until it passes boolValid = False ' make sure the querystring is at least 4 characters, otherwise ' they entered the URL directly and should not be logged If Len(strQueryString) > 4 Then ' Do not log if the beginning of the querystring is not 404 If Left(strQueryString, 4) = "404;" then ' Do not log if it's a search for favicon.ico, which is what ' happens when someone adds your site to their favorites: If InStr(strQueryString, "favicon.ico") <= 0 Then strQueryString = Right(strQueryString, Len(strQueryString) - 4) boolValid = True ' Remove the server name from the URL in the QueryString If InStr(strQueryString, strServerName) > 0 Then vntServerName = Split(strQueryString, strServerName) strQueryString = vntServerName(1) End If End If End If End If ' Clean up ObjectContext Set objRequest = Nothing Set objContext = Nothing ' Log the 404 hit, if valid: If boolValid Then strSQL = "exec STrack404" strSQL = strSQL & " @ip ='" & strIPAddress & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @url ='" & strQueryString & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @ref ='" & strReferrer & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @dt ='" & strNow & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @ua ='" & strBrowser & "'" Set objConnection = CreateObject("adodb.connection") "driver={SQL Server};server=;database=track404;uid=stats;pwd=xyz" objConnection.Execute (strSQL) objConnection.Close Set objConnection = Nothing End If End Function
Option Explicit Public objConnection As ADODB.Connection Public strReferrer As String Public strQueryString As String Public strServerName As String Public strIPAddress As String Public strBrowser As String Public strSQL As String Public strNow As String Public vntServerName As Variant Public boolValid As Boolean Public objContext As ObjectContext Public objRequest As ASPTypeLibrary.Request Public Function getSV(ByVal str As String) As String getSV = Replace(objRequest.ServerVariables(str), "'", "''") End Function Public Function log() As Long Set objContext = GetObjectContext() Set objRequest = objContext("Request") strQueryString = LCase(getSV("query_string")) strServerName = LCase(getSV("server_name")) strReferrer = LCase(getSV("http_referer")) strIPAddress = getSV("remote_addr") strBrowser = getSV("http_user_agent") strNow = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate) & " " strNow = strNow & FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortTime) boolValid = False If Len(strQueryString) > 4 Then If Left(strQueryString, 4) = "404;" then If InStr(strQueryString, "favicon.ico") <= 0 Then strQueryString = Right(strQueryString, Len(strQueryString) - 4) boolValid = True If InStr(strQueryString, strServerName) > 0 Then vntServerName = Split(strQueryString, strServerName) strQueryString = vntServerName(1) End If End If End If End If Set objRequest = Nothing Set objContext = Nothing If boolValid Then strSQL = "exec STrack404" strSQL = strSQL & " @ip ='" & strIPAddress & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @url ='" & strQueryString & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @ref ='" & strReferrer & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @dt ='" & strNow & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", @ua ='" & strBrowser & "'" Set objConnection = CreateObject("adodb.connection") "driver={SQL Server};server=;database=track404;uid=stats;pwd=xyz" objConnection.Execute (strSQL) objConnection.Close Set objConnection = Nothing End If End Function
net stop iisadmin /y net start w3svc net start msftpsvc net start smtpsvc
The final two steps are registering your new DLL and writing the ASP code to call it. Click the Start button, point to Run, and type in the following (replace <path> with the absolute path where you saved your DLL):
regsvr32 <path>\bertrand.dll
<% set track = server.createobject("bertrand.track404") track.log() set track = nothing %>
Now that may not be everything. Once you port this DLL
to the production server, you may have problems if the correct Visual
Basic run times are not installed. You can get around this either by
using the package and deployment wizard, by installing Visual Basic 6.0,
or (recommended) by installing the Visual Basic 6.0 run time library on
the server (you can Download the run time library here and read about it in VBRun60sp3.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time Files).
Well, happy coding. Within no time you should have a stats table full of 404 information, just waiting to be extracted. Here is a sample ASP 404 page, as well as a small sampling of test data retrieved from the SQL Server database instantly:
Figure 4. Sample 404 page
tuned for the next article, where I will enhance this component to
provide a viewing and maintenance interface for the stats, and reveal
methodology behind making this application smarter. In the meantime, you
could expand this technique to other kinds of errors.Additional Information
For more information on creating ActiveX DLLs with Visual Basic 6.0 and IIS4+, and creating custom 404 error messages, visit the following sites:- Developing a Visual Basic Component for IIS/MTS
- Give them a FRIENDLY 404 error
- Redirecting Traffic: A Smart Custom 404 Message for IIS 4.0
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